Responsible Gaming

Although the vast majority of people enjoy playing at an online casino, buying a lottery ticket, playing bingo or sports betting, there are also people who experience problems with gambling, which express themselves in addiction and distractive habits. Statistics show that while 85% of the adult population is involved in some form of gambling (buying a state lottery ticket, going to a bingo evening, casino visit, etc.), between 2 and 3% of them develop a gambling problem each year and 1% are diagnosed as a pathological gambler.

Where do you draw the line between regular gambling and a gambling problem? How can you see if you or someone from your circle of friends is developing into a compulsive gambler?

Ask yourself, or this person, the following questions:
1) Do you play the game to the last cent?
2) Are you reclaiming previous losses or debts?
3) Have you ever borrowed money to continue playing?
4) Have you ever skipped work or other obligations in order to gamble?
5) Do you tend to gamble in order to forget your personal problems?
6) Does gambling have a negative impact on your daily life or relationships?

If you have answered at least one of the above questions with ‘yes’, you have a gambling problem.

How can I be treated for a gambling addiction?

1) Group therapy:

Gambling is often related to problems and tensions, such as loneliness or dissatisfaction with work or study. As long as these problems persist, there is a good chance that you will continue to fall back into your old behaviour. By talking to other people in your area about this, under the guidance of an expert, the causes can be uncovered.

2) Individual therapy:

Cognitive behavioural therapy aimed at gambling addiction can help in determining unconscious thinking or acting, which leads to compulsive gambling behaviour. By individual therapy, this behaviour can be replaced by a controllable and healthier way of thinking.

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